Thank you from Gabe and Judy

July 3, 2015 9:17 am

Dear friends and family:

Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Judy’s health.  She
recuperated from her last surgery and is feeling almost normal again!  We
are pleased that she has been accepted into an NIH 5 year clinical trial for
the new Gallium 68 scan for Neuroendocrine tumors and will have her first
set of scans this week. Please join with us as we pray for safety as she
travels to Bethesda and also that the scans may clearly show where any
existing tumors are growing so doctors can properly treat her. We are so
thankful for all the medical expertise God has put at our disposal.  We are
truly blessed.

Pray also for Gabe who is traveling to Peru (July 14-30)

Thank you

Gabe and Judy

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